Wando High School Orchestras
About Our Program
Wando High School is a public high school located in Mt. Pleasant, South Carolina with an enrollment of over 2,600 students. The orchestra program at Wando High School has consistently earned Superior ratings at SCMEA Concert Festival and has performed at various locations in the greater Charletson area as well as Southeastern U.S. The Wando Orchestra program is the largest high school orchestra program in the tri-county area!
There are three orchestras in our program: Concert Orchestra, Chamber Orchestra, and Honors Orchestra.
Concert Orchestra performs music of grade level 3-4 and meets for 90 minutes a day during 1st and 4th block. The longer class period allows us a greater focus on technical development, while also leaving time for nurturing our musical expression and study of standard repertoire. Students coming from middle school orchestra can enroll in Concert Orchestra without an audition! Students in Concert Orchestra receive Honors Credit for their participation!
Chamber Orchestra performs music of grade level 4-5 and meets for 50 minutes per day during period 5. With a continued focus on technical development, Chamber Orchestra also focuses on performing a wide variety of music at a high level. Membership in Chamber Orchestra is by audition only and students receive honors credit for their participation.
The Wando Honors Orchestra performs music of grade level 5-6 (professional) and meets for 50 minutes per day during period 6. The focus of Honors Orchestra is to develop a mature, professional tone and high level ensemble skills. The Honors Orchestra serves as the recruiting group for our Spring recruitment tours.